We Choke the Smoke / 02 9618 7666 / sales@ausfiregroup.com.au

Welcome to AFSF

Your one stop fire protection shop

Welcome to the home of AFSF on the web.

AFSF (formerly Australian Fire Supplies & Fabrication & Fire Fab Australia) was established in 1995
and is your one-stop, fire protection partner.

As a friendly, passionate team, we strive daily to deliver services and products worthy of an industry saving lives.

AFSF is on a deliberate journey to become the essential partner to our customers, providing high quality products and technical expertise with an unmatched level of service.

AFSF - Australia's most advanced fabrication facility

With automated cutting saws and multiple Robotic welding lines, AFSF boasts Australias most advanced Fire Protection fabricating facility for unmatched accuracy and quality.

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Head Office

1/32 Stennett Road

Ingleburn NSW 2565

Mon - Fri 7am - 5pm

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